Saturday 1 December 2012

Bartender's Friend

Bartender's Friend

A few weeks ago, commenters on The Best Way to Clean Your Bathtub were giving rave reviews about a product I'd never heard of—Barkeeper's Friend. I researched it a little, and found that its active ingredient is Oxalic Acid – which is naturally derived and found in lots of green leafy things. Intriguing. . .
I had to try it out. I picked up a can of the powdered variety, and Holy Clean Pots, Batman!
Yep, it definitely works.
My favorite stainless steel pot was all brown on the bottom and now. . .well, it's not "as good as new," but it's pretty darn good all the same. BKF also took a rust ring out of my stainless steel kitchen sink. (Who's the wiseacre that left the cast iron skillet in there overnight??)
You know, we eat oxalic acid all the time in spinach, carrots, and a bunch of other things. But it's the reason that rhubarb leaves are considered poisonous—too much can cause nausea, kidney stones/failure, and even be fatal.

Bartender's Friend

Bartender's Friend

Bartender's Friend

Bartender's Friend

Bartender's Friend

Bartender's Friend

Bartender's Friend

Bartender's Friend

Bartender's Friend

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