Monday 21 January 2013

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College (Bates), a Washington State-operated vocational-technical institution, employed Kelly Smith as a television traffic programmer. 1 Washington law entitled her to civil service protection, and the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) of her state employees union also afforded her negotiated grievance procedure coverage. 2

Bates fired Smith, an eight-year employee, for alleged disruptive and insubordinate behavior. 3Smith filed a grievance under the CBA, protesting her termination. 4 She also filed charges with the State under civil service laws, claiming unfair labor practices. 5 Smith's grievance proceeded to arbitration, where the arbitrator issued an award in her favor. 6 Bates reinstated Smith to a comparable position and provided back pay and related benefits. 7 Smith then filed suit in Pierce County Superior Court, seeking damages for various tort and statutory claims. 8 The trial court granted Bates's summary judgment motion in part and dismissed Smith's wrongful discharge claim for failure to exhaust her remedies. 9 The Washington Supreme Court ultimately reversed the trial court's dismissal of Smith's wrongful discharge in violation of public policy claim. 10
In its January 27, 2000 decision, the Washington Supreme Court held that the common law tort of wrongful discharge in violation of public policy is available to all employees, whether terminable-at-will or covered by a CBA or other administrative procedure. 11 The court also held that an employee need not exhaust contractual or administrative remedies before bringing an independent tort action of this kind. 12 Previously, the public ...

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College

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